CDFI’s Millk Aggregation Portal or MAP is a low cost web based platform available in both, mobile and desktop application formats, which is designed to digitize the milk collection process. MAP can be employed at milk collection centre to electronically record the quantity as well as the quality of milk poured by the farmer on a digital platform. MAP is also designed to facilitate due payments to be made digitally directly into the bank accounts of farmers.
AAVIN, a Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation Limited in the state of Tamil Nadu is using MAP to digitize the operations of its milk collection centres and has started making payments directly into the milk sellers' bank accounts
MAP is also integrated with CDFI’s big data analytics platform SANKALP
Payments made directly in dairy farmer’s bank account
Captures income generated from selling milk in order to build seller’s financial profile
Complete transparency to dairy farmers on the quantity, quality and price of milk sold
Enable dairy farmers to transform their livelihoods into sustainable business opportunities