The National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) is a federated program that is run via various State Missions and a tiered network of community institutions. NRLM boasts of a large human resource pool of community members, Mahila Kisans, cadres spread across 646 districts in India.
Government has funded over 6,000 crores to SHGs in terms of Revolving Fund (RF) and Community Invest Fund (CIF). Additionally, 42 lakhs SHGs have availed bank loans of over 61,000 crores. NRLM is enabling capacity development of Community Based Organizations (CBOs) by leveraging a cadre network on book keeping, community development, Panchasutras, livelihood generation and adoption programs.
Successfully piloted the SHG profile & transactions module of LokOS for NRLM across four (4) blocks in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Haryana & Meghalaya capturing details of 4,400 SHGs.
Region-wise trainings on LokOS profile & transactions data capture being conducted across the country
LokOS mobile app for Profile & Transactions data capture