• Analysis of Non-Communicable Diseases for WHO
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  • WHO's South East Asia Regional Office (SEARO) runs eight flagship programmes in the region to address persisting and emerging epidemiological and demographic challenges and among that the Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) programme forms an important part. Working towards that initiative, SEARO coordinates the STEPS (STEPwise approach to NCD risk factor surveillance) and GSHS (Global School-based Health Survey) surveys of Member States. However, the data from these surveys are not easily accessible and are primarily disseminated through published survey reports and factsheets.

    CDFI was engaged by SEARO to develop interactive data portals on indicators of NCD data for Nepal, Bhutan and Sri Lanka, collected through the aforementioned surveys.

  • GSHS - The GSHS is a school-based survey that uses a self-administered questionnaire to obtain data on young people's health behaviour and protective factors related to the leading causes of morbidity and mortality among children and adults worldwide.

    STEPS - The WHO STEPwise approach to surveillance (STEPS) is a simple, standardized method for collecting, analyzing and disseminating data for NCDs and their risk factors. The STEPS surveys are conducted in over 120 countries.

Key features of the web portal are:

  • multi-survey-comparisonProvides multi-survey comparisons on key indicators to visualize trends and outcomes
  • download-dataProvides options to download data in both .csv and .jpg formats
  • diffrent-chart-typeProvides options to view data in different chart types and in tabular format
  • Has the capability to quickly add data from subsequent surveys

Portals for Nepal, Bhutan and for Sri Lanka are now live on the WHO SEARO website. The Nepal data portal is also available on the WHO Nepal website and all these portals can be accessed through:



WHO SEARO website


Screenshot of the WHO Sri Lanka portal

Following the completion of country-specific dashboards for Nepal, Bhutan & Sri Lanka, WHO has commissioned CDFI to develop an interactive NCD portal for all 11 South East Asian Regional countries. The portal is to be used as one of the elements of the 'NCD Roadmap 2030 for South East Asia'.

The portal will have two main components:

  • Map-based NCD progress monitor with data sourced from WHO's Non-Communicable Diseases Progress Monitor Report, 2022.
  • Regional dashboard to indicate the trends in NCDs to include:
    • Premature mortality due to NCDs - using the data from the WHO Global Health Observatory
    • NCD risk factors from WHO Global Health Observatory
    • Hypertension prevalence using the data that will be provided by WHO

Screenshots of the WHO NCD Data portal

The WHO NCD SEARO portal has been completed for regional data and the portal is live. It can be accessed at https://whosearo.viewzenlabs.in/home

The updated trendline (projected+target values) along with existing trendlines have been updated and deployed on live portal.The country data has been compiled and sample dashboards for review have been created for feedbacks from WHO.